If you haven’t seen or heard the adverts, this is the week the UK government are urging consumers to shop and spend locally to help retailers and other businesses rebuild following Covid-19 crisis.

Shop Local Week runs through to Sunday 16 August, and is part of the government’s ‘Enjoy Summer Safely’ campaign. The aim is to get more people spending in independent gift shops, for instance, to help drive the economy, protect jobs and preserve communities.

The campaign reiterates safety guidance and highlights the hygiene measures implemented by many retailers such as the introduction of plastic partitions at the point of sale and sanitising stations in commercial premises.

Business secretary, Alok Sharma, said: ‘From corner shops and florists, to newsagents, cafes and pubs, our high streets are at the heart of every community in every corner of the UK. Business owners have done an incredible job so far to welcome shoppers back safely, and I hope people across the country will do their bit this week to help our high streets bounce back to protect jobs and support local communities.’

National chair of the Federation of Small Businesses, Mike Cherry, commented: ‘It’s vital now more than ever that we do what we can to support our local small businesses. The past few months have been among the most difficult that businesses have ever had and as we slowly reopen, the public can help by supporting their local businesses. Whether it’s your local grocer, decorators or florist, they all need the support of their communities in order to survive this crisis and thrive.’

‘Even those businesses who haven’t been able to reopen their stores, or members of the public who are continuing to shield, then shopping online is a great way to still do your part.’

The government is providing resources and support to small businesses to help them to engage local customers with the shopping experience in stores and online, including template digital content to share with their followers.

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