The Exclusively Show – which takes place on June 13 and June 14 at the Business Design Centre in London – has previewed another of the big style trends for the next 18 months and more.

The exhibition has a well-established reputation for predicting commercial trends in housewares, gift, and small domestic electricals. Working with trend forecasting agency Scarlet Opus, the event includes trend talks, trend tours for buyers, and displays of exhibitors’ products pre-selected for being particularly in tune with the themes and styles which will prove popular for Christmas 2023 and into 2024.

With exhibitors already submitting product for the ‘so on trend’ displays at Exclusively, Scarlet Opus director Phil Pond has unveiled The New Protagonists: a trend that is ‘deeply into wellbeing and comfort to counter the negatives of the contemporary world’.

New Protagonists are into me-time, food, and experiences that ‘make them feel better’. Consequently, they are interested in interactions, experiences, brands, products, and services that increase their confidence, reassure them, and make them feel good – and they always consider how products and services can make them feel empowered.

Commenting on the emphasis place upon trend forecasting at the Show, Exclusively Chair Will Jones said: “Knowing what consumers want next, enables suppliers and buyers to source more of what will sell. It helps de-risk buying for retailers, informs and inspires merchandising, and helps retailers be the best they can be and enjoy a more certain future.”

For more information about visiting Exclusively, contact the BHETA Member Services Team on 0121 237 1130 or go to

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