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BHETA to host Amazon webinar in September

BHETA (British Home Enhancement Trade Association) is to hold a retailer networking webinar with Amazon on Thursday September 28, and members in all categories as well as non-members are urged to save the date.

The online event kicks off at 10.30am and Dhawal Vora and Catherine Moses from Amazon’s home category team will be presenting and answering delegate questions after the presentation.

BHETA is welcoming pre-event questions from registered delegates ahead of the event, so it is vital that any suppliers dealing with – or hoping to deal with – Amazon registers soon, and then submits their questions for discussion.
More details will be publicised soon, but in the meantime BHETA urges companies to put the date in the diary and to register on the BHETA website.

While this is a BHETA member-only event, non-members who are interested in joining BHETA can register on the BHETA website. You will then have a membership chat with BHETA sector manager for housewares and small domestic appliances Seema Grantham, or BHETA sector manager for DIY and garden Keeley Vernon, ahead of the session.
Commenting on the event, Seema said: “The chance to hear directly from the Amazon teams is not to be missed, so I urge all suppliers to diarise this event now.”

More details of BHETA’s events programme, which includes webinars, Meet The Buyer events and networking forums with leading retailers can be found at For further information, contact the BHETA member services team on 0121 237 1130.

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