Spring Fair Hyve

Hyve confirm that Connect will not return in any form after working with exhibitors to improve Spring and Autumn Fair

In an email received yesterday by exhibitors of Spring and Autumn Fair, it was confirmed that the much disliked Connect will not be returning in any form. There was some uncertainty that it would return after 2024 when Hyve previously announced that it was scrapped for next year. The email also said they are ‘still committed to using data and insights to support the retail community and to help buyers and sellers interact’.

In addition the onsite rebook rate for Autumn Fair exhibitors will be further extended until Spring Fair 2024, as their plans are still developing for Autumn 2024.

The news follows meetings and conversations Hyve has had with some dedicated exhibitors representing a large number of customers desperate to see change and to drive improvements to both shows. The Spring Fair – No Connect WhatsApp Group which numbers nearly 350 participants were very clear in the changes they wanted to see.

While there have been some failures on the part of Hyve, credit should be given to them for listening to customers, taking on those concerns and acting swiftly to what was rapidly becoming a major issue for the organiser.

In all my years working on trade magazines I have virtually never seen a major organiser step back like this and they deserve credit for doing so, listening and acting. It should also be said that when a group of professional, experienced business owners work together for the benefit of all, good outcomes can be achieved.

A strong Spring Fair is critical to the industries it serves and this welcome news means exhibitors, visitors and Hyve can start to look forward to what we believe will be strong shows in 2024.

More news as we receive it.

By Mark Naish

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