A very Happy New Year from the Gifts Today team! We wish all our readers health, happiness and prosperity in 2025.
Don’t miss out on the latest edition of Gifts Today! The January issue is packed with pages of news, views, and hot products.
COVER STORY: A major brand relaunch for Henry & Co introduces vibrant packaging, new fragrances, and enhanced expertise, debuting at Spring Fair. Founder Mark Rees and creative director Jo Ashton discuss the next chapter for this innovative home fragrance company

IN OUR FAIR FOCUS SECTION: We share an advance look at what’s on offer at The Gift Fair by Xpofairs, Harrogate Christmas & Gift, and Christmasworld

IN OUR TRADE TALK SECTION: We hand out crystal balls to leading gift suppliers and ask them to divine upcoming trends for the year
IN OUR SHOP TALK SECTION: Independent gift retailers share their trading horoscopes and resolutions for 2025
IN OUR PRODUCT FOCUS SECTION: We look at Candles, Christmas-themed Gifts, In Style: Focus on Bags & Purses, Female Gifts. and New Products
IN OUR SUPPLIER FOCUS SECTION: We find out more about Museums & Galleries, Enesco, Signare Tapestry, Charlie Bears, Katie Loxton and Joma Jewellery.

IN OUR RETAILER FOCUS SECTION: We chat to Marion and Mark Flaherty, co-owners of Best Wishes in Garstang, Lancashire; and Jo Sorrell, owner of Cardies in Stevenage, Hertfordshire
PLUS: there’s pages of must-read opinions from Andrew Goodacre, CEO of BIRA (British Independent Retailers Association); Anna Berry, director and co-founder of Retail100 Consulting; and Cathy Frost, owner of Loveone gift shop in Ipswich
Features: Impulse buys • Party Time – celebration products (including balloons & banners etc)
Show Preview: Spring Fair
Regulars: News, New Products, Trade Talk, Shop Talk
To be a part of these fantastic features….
… or to appear in the February 2025 issue of Gifts Today, contact Advertisement Manager Marian McNamara to discuss how Gifts Today can be of assistance.
T: 0044 (0) 1442 289942
M: 0044 (0) 7791 117141
E: marian@lemapublishing.co.uk
Editorial deadline: January 8
Advertising deadline: January 13
RETAILERS AND SUPPLIERS: if you have news or views that you would like considered for inclusion in the next issue, please email Editor Clare Turner at clare@lemapublishing.co.uk